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Recibido el 10/04/2017 (Libro)

El Programa Marco de Investigación e Innovación de la Unión Europea

Recibido el 06/04/2017

NCP  National Coordinator- Boletín de información sobre oportunidades de formación

Recibido el 17/02/2017

Dear SC1 National Contact Points, dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the upcoming webinar with the European Commission on the topic “eHeatlh/ICT for Health” given by Carmen Laplaza Santos and Peter Wintlev-Jensen from DG CONNECT. This will be held on the 13th of March from 10:00 to 11.30 CET.

This webinar is organized by HNN 2.0 for SC1 NCPs in order to give you the opportunity to better understand and discuss the following aspects:

o   DG-CNECT initiatives on Digital Health and Care (eHealth Action Plan, EIP-AHA, The Silver Economy Strategy, Blueprint Digital Transformation Health & Care)

o   DG-CNECT topics in SC1 Work Programmes – rational and goals

o  Specificities of SC1 proposals targeting eHealth/ICT for Health

For participating in this webinar please follow this link:  and enter your name and the ROOM PASSCODE: 1292

Audio will be played through your computer’s speakers. If you do not have speakers or headset connected to your computer, you can call +49 30 200 97933177 (German landline) to listen to the audio. Please mute your phone by dialling *6. (For technical reasons, it is important you keep your phone muted during the entire presentation).

Please perform a test on your computer before participating in the webinar to be sure that your computer fulfils the technical requirements. For performing the test, please go to:

Recibido el 06/02/2017

Call within the European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research (EMPIR) addressing the topic areas Metrology for Industry, Fundamental Metrology, Metrology Research for Pre- and Co-normative projects and Research Potential:

  • The Call is a two-stage process for joint research projects.
  • Stage 1 of the Call is for potential research topics (PRTs), open from 10 January 2017 to 20 February 2017
  • Stage 2 of the Call is for joint research projects (JRPs) will open on 15 June 2017 to 02 October 2017

Para mayor información aquí:

Call for Support for Impact projects designed to increase the impact from completed iMERA-Plus and EMRP projects

  • Open from 25 July 2017 to 25 September 2017.

Para mayor información aquí: